Good over Greed


“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.”
Roy Disney

Business ethics is an important part of the business world as ethic play a significant role in our daily lives. We as a human being need to know how to behave as we do our business every day. Working in a bank, my colleagues and I are often responsible for managing large amounts of money. We cannot avoid temptations to take advantage of the situation.

Knowing my values help me choose to do what is right and ethical in my everyday life. I value honesty and integrity in my life. I would rather earn my money through hard work rather than the easy way of stealing and cheating. If I choose to do what is unethical, I would lose the trust of my employer and our customers. I believe in karma, an ethical decision can lead to good karma while an unethical decision can lead to bad karma and a lot more negativity.

It pays to be ethical. An organization’s positive reputation is the most important asset it has.

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